Wilkinsburg Gives Thanks

Wilkinsburg Gives Thanks

Support our community through sponsorship or Holiday Breakfast Sandwich purchase. Click the "DONATE" button on the top right of the Home page. Proceeds to benefit programs working to provide food to our neighbors in need.

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Wilkinsburg Thursday Market
to Oct 10

Wilkinsburg Thursday Market

The Wilkinsburg Thursday Open Market, coordinated by the Chamber, offers an opportunity to be part of the greater community and promote your business, art, non-profit or civic organization, or government agency. Healthy living vendors are encouraged to participate.

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Membership Meetings

Membership Meetings

Members and their guests are encouraged to attend the Chamber Board meetings held every other month on the third Wednesday. Meetings are held at the Chamber office located at 305 South Trenton Avenue in Wilkinsburg. The minutes from the meeting are distributed via email to all members.

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